When I was kid, September ment -> end of summer holidays. Nothing changed since then ; ) I have to go back to Poland from my
"holidays" and take up an
"Evolutionary algorithms and machine learning" exam on Sep 12. I'll finally meet my parents, my lovely sis and my dearest Caroline : *
One day I was really fucked up... Ow yeaaa. That was the extremum of Perseides. Those little bastards were entering atmosphere at 30km/s with a blazing tail behind them. That was nice... So I was really fucked up - from some reason. And it was like 12PM. I went outside and beat my record in jogging. Just
like that :) I've ran 6.5 km in ca. 35 minutes. Hehe :P Suddenly - nothing mattered : )
So time for good news. Caroline is cured : ) After taking exam I'm going to Cracow to meet her. But she may be given a dance contract in London starting... just the very day I'm coming back. No turning back I say! : ) I'll be there too!
And this two-day tango workshop in Rotterdam was splendid. Name of this place is
Cuartito Azul. Teachers (Hugo, Marika, Steijn and Caroline) followed very methodical approach and were able to make people learn lots of critical details abou tango technique. Julia, my parter was doing good. At the end we were really tired but workshop was a good lesson for both of us. Thank you Julia for helping me attend this : )
Time for some pictures! At last. After almost two month at ESTEC - some pictures : ) That is one, actually. Behind me you can see main corridor at ESTEC.